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By attending a class or taster session, both the parent/carer and the student agree to abide by this code of conduct.

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The students will be required to move around the space as part of the classes and will need to conduct themselves appropriately to avoid injury to themselves and others.


If a student has a pre-existing injury, they are to take the necessary precautions to either not attend classes when in pain – or undertake appropriate warm up and cool down activities, prior to arriving and leaving class.  Please let the class leader know if there is pain at any point in a session.  It is the responsibility of the student to take care of their own pre-existing injuries and not cause additional strain.

Any injuries that take place during class will be logged in our accident book and a parent will be required to subsequently sign the book.

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The students are expected to behave in a respectful and engaged manner throughout classes.  We do not tolerate:

- Disrespect towards any of our class leaders or volunteers.

- Continued disruption of classes.

- Rude or challenging behaviour.

- Bullying or intimidating behaviour to staff or students.

- Swearing or abusive language.

- Persistent acts of disruptive behaviour which have already been requested to be stopped by the class leader.


Sanctions for disrespectful or disruptive behaviour are:

- Being removed from the class activity temporarily.

- A letter home to parents or carers.

- Being sent home from class.

- Under extreme circumstances we may request temporary or permanent expulsion of the student from the academy. 


If a student is expelled from the academy, no fees paid will be returned.



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Food is not to be bought or consumed during our weekly sessions for health and safety reasons.


All that is required is a bottle of water/squash or other appropriate liquid refreshment.


For our half or full day holiday workshops we may advise that snacks or a lunch box is necessary - but this will be confirmed in your confirmation email.  

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Students must please wear appropriate footwear.  Jazz/Modern/soft dance shoes are preferred and ballet shoes are also acceptable.  Socks or trainers may not be worn for health and safety reasons.  If a student chooses to wear no shoes we accept no responsibility for any injuries that may occur.

Students must also please wear appropriate clothing.  Our uniform is Academy Tshirts and Hoodies with plain leggings, joggers or shorts.  Academy uniform is available to purchase here.  Comfortable, loose clothing, without tassels or other potential hazards.  Our recommendation is leggings or jogging bottoms and a T-shirt, with a hoodie and legwarmers for colder months if needed.  Long hair should please be tied back.


There is no changing area, so students must please arrive at the sessions ready to begin class.  All bags, water bottles and other items must be stored safely, far away from the dance floor and stage, to ensure they do not become an obstacle.


Students please must not wear any jewellery for their own safety.  We accept no responsibility for any injuries that may occur from a student wearing jewellery, inappropriate footwear or clothing in classes.

Youth Tap Dance Rehearsal


If a student is unwell prior to a class, we politely request that they do not attend classes until well again, and that they do not attend class until 48 hours after all symptoms have ceased.  This is important as we will have vulnerable children in attendance at the academy and our commitment to keeping them safe extends to health and wellness.



In our Micros session a parent or carer please needs to remain with the student for the duration of the session.  The parent or carer maintains full responsibility for their child before, during and after the session. 

For all of our other sessions (Minis and Midis), we would like to encourage our parents and carers to leave their child at the Academy to work with the class leader(s) for the session.  You are welcome to stay for the first session to ensure they settle back in OK, or drop in at the beginning and towards the end, but we find that students often focus, engage and show higher levels of confidence and concentration without parent or carer observation for the duration of the class.  If, however, your child is younger or vulnerable and they require your supervision or support please let us know and we will make arrangements.  

If a parent or carer is staying, please could we only have one parent or carer per student, and please could we very politely ask that any parents or carers remain silent and unobtrusive during the session so as to not distract the students.  Please can we also ask that spectators do not take photos or videos at any point during our sessions.

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Students are expected to participate in all activities during the course of each session.  


If a student refuses to participate, and will not rejoin a class when requested, we will phone their parent or carer and ask that they be collected from class, or supervised by their parent or carer until they re-join.

This is to avoid class disruption and other students following suit.  Our attention needs to be on the majority of the class, running an enjoyable session, not on those who will not participate.  It is not safe for us to split our focus, and we cannot leave students unsupervised, hence they will need to be collected.


The exceptions to this are:

- If a student feels unwell or is injured, and is unable to participate.  In this instance, a parent or carer will still be called to collect the student.

- If it has been pre-agreed that a student will watch the class, and we will agree to this with prior notice to the start of the class and at our discretion, so we have the chance to explain to the rest of the class why a student is not participating as to not set a precedent.


If a student is collected from class following non participation, no fees will be returned or refunded.

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